So You Want Celebrity Hair?

Have you ever wanted to get that dreamy, silky smooth colour and cut or length of hair that celebrities seem to often achieve so effortlessly? Well the trick to it is a lot easier than you might think. But it comes with a price-tag.
Wigs! Yup, the amount of our beloved celebrities who have the flawless colour and shape that you are after is more often than not a wig. Celebrities like the gorgeous Emilia Clarke or Ashley Benson revealed to Beauty Heaven ( exactly what happens to your natural hair when it gets over processed and the price to pay for it.
We often get asked here in our hair salon in Bondi Junction how to achieve what Kylie Jenner et al constantly get their desired look. Sometimes it is very achievable, depending on what condition and colour your hair is.
But for some we suggest either looking at other options or start your new wig collection!
Have a read of what the guys and gals at beauty heaven had to say